During work, morning

At: Person bc9PVK Time: 09:00 - 12:00

Participatory Observations #observation



09:15 Participant says, “I’m quite unsure where to put the device. It’s quite comfortable to use it handsfree but often it’s in another room, so it doesn’t hear me very well. I almost would love to have a device in every room!”

09:45 Participant begins work routine, device is in other room. doing administrative tasks.

09:54 Participant talks with the parrots, while they roam around the room in search for a little distraction

10:28 Participant takes care of the parrots in the aviary, gets back to work and plays the news via the voice assistant. She controls the output from the phone, without a voice command, but via interface. (interaction through app)

10:32 The parrots are complaining in the adjunct room about the news playing. Participant lowers the volume of the speaker through the smartphone interface. (nonhumans interact with the assistant)

10:47 Participant was on toilett. The radio-news stopped playing meanwhile. The parrots continued to make noise. Participant calms the parrot by providing some shades then continues to to issue the command “Hey Google, spiel I got you babe von Sonny and Chair”. The speaker plays the music. Participant starts to care for the plants, waterin them, as the music plays and sings and whistles a long a few lines. (background music)

10:55 Spotifies continues to play similar music an Participant continues with the plant chores. (background music)

11:00 Participant half jokingly says that she believes or thinks that Google knows what songs she likes because it listens when she sings with. Because everytime she plays this particular songs more and more of her wellbeing (Wohlfühl) songs are playing. (suspecting of eavesdropping)

11:02 Parrots are still noisy sometimes. Participant says, she wishes to turn of the parrots like Ok Google. (conditioning the behaviour of user)

11:07 Before a smoke break, Participant turns off the music and issues the command “and Hey Google, play bird sounds”.

11:27 Participant tries to find her smartphone and issues some different commands to the speaker. She first tries to call herself then asks “where is my phone”, but uses a slangword for phone that the assistant doesn’t understand. (failed interaction)