Research Log

The research log is a reflection on the process of this project, as well as mentionable events and findings. Since the project works with extremely little photos and graphics, as its materiality is mostly code and sound, the photos from the journal entries are taken from my field observations and shall stand as impressions.

Title Date
It’s interviews all the way down December 13, 2021
Abstract for Thesis December 02, 2021
Feedback for Colloquium 3 November 26, 2021
Prototyping I October 22, 2021
The Numbers October 18, 2021
Vorbereitung und Zusammenfassung Gedanken Colloquium 3 September 16, 2021
Towards a Relevance of Speaking (with)%20Things September 08, 2021
BIRD NERD Conference 2021 June 04, 2021
Review Semesters III and IV April 16, 2021
Digital Companions in Therapeutic Settings March 21, 2021
Post-Animism Phase March 05, 2021
Crossroads and Conjunctions February 27, 2021
Evaluation of Expert Workshop February 18, 2021
Research Zine Process February 05, 2021
Reflexive Journal II February 03, 2021
Reflexive Journal I January 29, 2021
Done with collecting… January 28, 2021
When toys come to life January 18, 2021
Alternative Hedonism January 05, 2021
Teilnehmer_innen October 22, 2020
Gedanken zu Zielgruppe und Forschungs-Objekt October 02, 2020
Researchplan and -design 2020-21 October 02, 2020
Reclaiming Futures 2020 September 26, 2020
Trees August 31, 2020
Literature and Theory May 24, 2020
Research Methodologies April 30, 2020
Stand der Dinge March 20, 2020
Design Criticism March 13, 2020
Rotterdam Fieldtrip February 09, 2020
Process 1st Semester February 05, 2020
Distortion Series Technospheres January 20, 2020
Winter Intermission 19_20 December 26, 2019
Clarifications November 17, 2019
Alpenhof Introduction Days October 01, 2019