Reflexive Journal I
Jan 29, 2021
I worked through all of the interviews and the observation and added codes where I found them appropriate. How and where I added codes was guided by the following thoughts:
- The codes were added on the level of paragraph level as opposed to picking up fragments of sentences. On one side that decision is informed by the underlying technology but also because of the analysis style, which is inductive and semantic.
- I tried to describe core points of what was said in the paragraph as well as how things where describes.
- I genereally focused on everything that had to do with assistant software, the devices, the ecosystem and left out unrelated content from coding.
- The codes should between two to fives words and speak mostly for themselves. I will add more information to a code after a first round of merging similar codes together.
I also had a few questions that framed the coding:
- How is the assistant, or device, described
- How is the interaction with the assistant described
- What feelings and emotions are mentioned or expressed towards the assistant, the devices, ecosystem or the interaction
- How is the actual observed interaction
As of now I generated 220 Codes (as of today), but I assume that many of them are similar and can be merged together. I’ll do that in a next iteration. I still have the experience reports to do and after that try to get into the second phase, the creation of Thematic Analysis.
I feel that there are already some of thesecom emerging, but there are also aneqdotes which don’t necessarily feed well into a theme that I still want to keep.